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No image A Common Weakness – Chapter 2 A Common Weakness – Chapter 2 The mortuary was silent. To Dr Mortimer it was strange. He was accustomed to death, but normally the atmosphere within ... Friday, 17 April 2020 11:36
No image The Champion Files: Part 1 Two weeks later, San Francisco The most prominent superhero team on the planet is the Paragons.They are generally, but not exclusively, the first to ... Saturday, 08 February 2020 11:29
No image A Common Weakness – Chapter 1 A Common Weakness – Chapter 1 Gianni felt cautious as he entered the bar. He was not a man accustomed to fear, but that day he felt a nervousness ... Sunday, 02 February 2020 00:41
No image Weapons Testing The base was, essentially, out in the middle of nowhere. Which, of course, is why it was chosen for what was coming. It happened on what was, until ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 15:57
No image ARZELA STARR – TAU CETI WONDERGIRL – SEASON 1 – CHAPTER 5 Chapter 5 – “The Tau Ceti Wondergirl” Hours passed, the rains had finally stopped and the sun shone through a beautiful new blue sky. The trees ... Friday, 27 December 2019 11:48
No image The Sister – Part 1 The Sister – Part 1 by HikerAngel Thank you to Luchodemeyer for the idea behind this story. This is part one of a two-part story. I'll let you ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:15
No image DARALA STARR - SEASON 2 - BONUS CHAPTER - "Fine Specimens" Mayor Tina Carter Prince took in a deep breath and focused. There were a stack of proposals on her desk from the Governor’s office, and she would ... Thursday, 12 December 2019 17:39
Power Girl Power Girl Power Girl By Shadar Just a quicky little vignette about my idea for PG’s bold new outfit. Jimmy Olson stood behind the most powerful woman on ... Sunday, 01 December 2019 10:18
No image Pick-Me-Up Pick-Me-Up by HikerAngel The sky was a silent, cloudless blue. It was still, so still that Scarlett’s cape barely fluttered. This was her favorite ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:14
No image Corruption – Part 4 Part 1 of this story is by Luchodemeyer. I've continued the story with his permission. Corruption – Part 4 By HikerAngel with permission/ideas from ... Thursday, 21 November 2019 09:01