
Tag: Origin: Power Transfer

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image The Champion Files: Prologue “Are we sure this is where we need to be?” “Yes. Remember what we discussed. Not a foot out of place.” “Please… I don’t want any trouble.” ... Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:45
No image Superstarter, Part 5 Superstarter, Part 5 by HikerAngel Thanks for ElF for all of the editing and ideas for this story! The earth rumbled with the power that blasted ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:17
No image Tabitha Obunde, Super-Hulk Tabitha Obunde, Super-Hulk 1 Tabitha had been uncomfortable in her clothes all day. The beautiful, ultra-buxom 30-year old teacher was looking down ... Saturday, 14 December 2019 12:08
No image You Are Lucky There are lots of words to describe mirth. Laughing, giggling, chuckling, even smiling. Alice guffawed. It was a noise slightly unbecoming of the ... Monday, 22 April 2019 23:36
No image You Two Can Be a Super-Hero! “You Two Can Be A Super-Hero!” By thedoc9 Based heavily on “You Too Can Be A Super-Hero” written by Bob Rozakis, first appearing in Adventure Comics ... Tuesday, 08 May 2018 11:38
No image In-Tune – Part 3 Rose awoke with a start. At first she could not say for certain, but it took her only a few seconds to realize that the foundations of the world ... Tuesday, 27 March 2018 09:00
No image Chapter 19: Picking Up the Pieces Picking Up the Pieces I returned to the Fortress of Solitude with my passenger to find that Superman had still not returned from Metropolis. I ... Tuesday, 22 August 2017 08:53
No image Super Catwoman – Part 1 Author's note: This story is based on Batgirl - It's all about power by up2nogd1 in his deviantart site and thought that this story can be presented ... Friday, 29 March 2019 14:39
No image Do You Dream In Color? Twilight. The candy bowl by the door is full. Fake spider webs crisscross the trees and bushes surrounding the driveway. Ghosts hang on bungee cords ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:07
No image The Bargain The Bargain Author's Note: Geekseven gave this a proofread and made several great suggestions. Any remaining problems are all mine as I made new ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:05