
Tag: Super Intelligence

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No image SENsational – Part II SENsational – Part II 1. 11:07pm that same night … Since the accident, Priya did not seem to require much sleep – four hours tops – yet, somehow, ... Tuesday, 03 June 2014 14:39
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 01-04 Not the One – Return to Earth by Dru Chapter 1 Kethlen rocketed out of the black hole, checking to ensure his dark armour was intact. Though the ... Thursday, 08 May 2014 23:45
No image Best Served Cold It was a beautiful morning in the big city with crisp cold air and an immaculate blue sky. It was one of those days when people just seemed happy to ... Thursday, 08 May 2014 23:40
No image Saving Lives It took Lisa about an hour to get her radiation under control. The main problem was to concentrate at the same time on a topic which caused hot or ... Tuesday, 18 March 2014 15:49
No image Lindsay: A Rebirth Lindsay: A Rebirth by Castor (special thanks To Lindsay for being the inspiration and muse of the story, and to ong76win2 for making further ... Friday, 20 September 2013 16:11
No image Supanji Supanji Chapter 1 – Introductions and dysfunctions 1. Charlie felt as though he was lost as his car slowly bounced along a rough gravel road as the ... Monday, 04 May 2015 22:24
No image Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 13-14 Turnabout Is Fair Play By Ace191 CHAPTER THIRTEEN Clark could just not get it out of his mind. Lois, now an Ultrawoman, and Jim, now a Superman ... Wednesday, 21 May 2014 14:25
Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 09-12 Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 09-12 Turnabout Is Fair Play by Ace191 CHAPTER NINE Lois awoke the next morning still feeling the warmth of her incredible after glow. She gently rolled ... Wednesday, 21 May 2014 14:27
No image Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 05-08 Turnabout Is Fair Play By Ace191 CHAPTER FIVE In seconds Lois was hovering in the middle of an Artic blizzard with sixty mile an hour winds. Despite ... Wednesday, 21 May 2014 14:27
No image Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 01-04 Turnabout Is Fair Play By Ace191 CHAPTER ONE Lois knew she shouldn’t be where she was at this time of night, but what could she do? Ever since that ... Monday, 16 June 2014 15:07