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The Adventures of Scarf-Chan The Adventures of Scarf-Chan The Amnesiac Goddess From up above the clouds, A flying saucer floated down. With a scarf around her neck and in a blanket wrapped, Is Scarf-chan, ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:26
The Modern Goddess: Chapter II The Modern Goddess: Chapter II Art by Inknox EDITOR'S NOTE: This story contains some really NSFW pictures, browse it at your own risk. A startled Kenichi burst out through the ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:17
The Modern Goddess: Chapter I The Modern Goddess: Chapter I Art by Devil-V and Gourmetpaper It had been a strange night for Kenichi. He couldn’t manage to fall asleep; in fact, he quite literally could not ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:23
The Modern Goddess: Prologue The Modern Goddess: Prologue Art by Devil-V Kenichi stood in awe as the pink petals of the traditional Japanese cherry blossom lightly drifted down from the sky and the light ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 15:58
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 1.5 Running effortlessly faster than the wind, holding the heavy old car aloft with terrifying muscular ease, Roz was outside the house Garry cowered ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 1 Roz had more than the massive unfair advantage of obscenely exaggerated super strength. She had an equally super brain and super-duper senses too. ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:26
No image All the Girls Are Complicated Ann wakes up, in a bed that felt like it had a very cheap mattress. Where was she? Perhaps a futon, she thinks, her eyes still closed, her head ... Sunday, 03 June 2018 08:08
No image Twins This is a story that takes place in the same Omniverse as the series Celestials, which can be found here. It is recommended but not necessary to ... Wednesday, 30 May 2018 09:35
No image Celestials The day-to-day lives of omnipotent women who have reached the highest level of ascendance. This entry contains both existing and only chapters, ... Saturday, 26 May 2018 11:45
No image Kiraling – Part 11 (Chapter 43-44) Chapter 43 Wednesday started out like Tuesday. I left the cabin for a run, this time accompanied by Gloria from the start. When I returned I did ... Sunday, 06 May 2018 13:26