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The Superhuman Prostitute – Chapter 3 The Superhuman Prostitute – Chapter 3 A shameless porn story of a superwoman who will do anything you want, for the right price. Author's Note: This story is actually a modified version ... Friday, 26 April 2019 17:43
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 9, Washington The impossible super strong mega Roz had no trouble locating the capital, though she had no idea really where to find it. Using her ears, she ... Saturday, 09 February 2019 12:42
The Superhuman Prostitute – Chapter 1 The Superhuman Prostitute – Chapter 1 A shameless porn story of a superwoman who will do anything you want, for the right price. Author's Note: This story is actually a modified version ... Sunday, 17 March 2019 01:34
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 4 Nicole gets unleashed... Chapter 4 “It is so nice of you to come bid me farewell, Andrey,” Nicole said, sounding both playful and mocking. “I’m ... Sunday, 02 December 2018 10:19
A Gift of the Future A Gift of the Future A Gift of the Future by Shadar November 25, 2018 A story written for those who remember, or want to get to know, the original Kara Zor-El from the ... Sunday, 25 November 2018 10:15
Involuntarily Djinn, Part 2 Involuntarily Djinn, Part 2 Involuntarily Djinn part 2 by dkc 1. What had Maria gotten herself into, first Dillon and now this. What the hell was wrong with her? Maria kicked ... Friday, 16 November 2018 23:01
Involuntarily Djinn Involuntarily Djinn Involuntarily Djinn 1. The Youngman’s were a typical Midwest family, they had an average home and two grown children. Their lives had a mixture of ... Tuesday, 30 October 2018 12:19
Shizuka's Ambitions Shizuka's Ambitions By Akane and Delta7447 Sunday, June 30, 2052 Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan Shizuka Hirose was at home, in her apartment above Wasurenagusa Maid Cafe in ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 8 Standing behind the purple shield in the underground hanger, Garry wondered how the super muscled God of inhuman power standing in front of him was ... Sunday, 02 September 2018 09:49
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 7, The Battle of Nellis III The large microwave emitters flared into life. The large imposing sound cannons wound up and blared. And Roz watched with glittering amused eyes as ... Friday, 24 August 2018 10:56