
Tag: Supergirl

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Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 6 Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 6 Already past 3am, Paul Tanner finally closed-up his bar for the night. it was all that he could do to finally cajole, coax and even toss a few of ... Saturday, 12 February 2022 19:23
Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 5 (Part 2, NFSW) Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 5 (Part 2, NFSW) Luke Livingston was just about to enter his house in the evening, when he realised that he wasn’t alone. Turning around, he sighed a breath of ... Sunday, 30 January 2022 00:05
Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 4 (part 2) Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 4 (part 2) It was already pushing 7pm when Father Merrin pushed through the wooden doors of the church, making his way into Unity Church located just within ... Saturday, 22 January 2022 20:43
Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 4 Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 4 “You’ve been holding out on me, Luke.” Luke spluttered slightly into his morning coffee, scalding his tongue slightly on that comment. “Wait, what? ... Saturday, 08 January 2022 17:57
Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 3 Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 3 Luke awoke to the sound of pans and plates clinking, the smell of fried bacon wafting into his room from the kitchen space below. It took him quite ... Saturday, 12 February 2022 19:16
Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 2 Birth of the Undead – Being Undead 2 Michael Lyndsay was just waking up from his slumber when he heard the commotion outside the dorm. There were muffled screams and shouts outside his ... Monday, 03 January 2022 08:35
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 8 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 8 “How is he?” “Hank Henshaw is still alive, if that’s who you’re referring to. These past few weeks have been a constant battle, though I believe ... Saturday, 13 November 2021 11:52
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 7 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 7 Mandi Olson is intrigued. A female vampire, An undead. Here on Earth. A stuff of legends that would have no bearing were it not for Lex’ photos and ... Sunday, 07 November 2021 10:42
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 6 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 6 “Come on Kara, you can do it! You are Supergirl! Don’t tell me that’s all an El can do! ” “Hnngh… huff… Ughhh… huff…” Again, and again, Kara Zor-el ... Wednesday, 03 November 2021 13:06
A Witchy Halloween A Witchy Halloween A Witchy Halloween By Shadar Finish time: 29th of October, 2021, 17:04 Zulu (10:04 PST) Written for the 2021 SWM Halloween Workshop Prologue ... Friday, 29 October 2021 22:55