
Tag: Supergirl

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image S is for Samantra S is for Samantra The old two-story mansion was nestled discreetly in a forest that tried it’s best to swallow it. Wrapping it with vines, covering ... Tuesday, 29 October 2019 19:03
No image What a Crazy Dream It was Tues afternoon about 20 past three I was in the library studying diligently Alone in a room, alone with my thoughts Wondering if my degree ... Wednesday, 13 February 2019 22:15
A Gift of the Future A Gift of the Future A Gift of the Future by Shadar November 25, 2018 A story written for those who remember, or want to get to know, the original Kara Zor-El from the ... Sunday, 25 November 2018 10:15
No image The List Mento-girl examined the situation she was in. A single false misstep was likely to be deadly, a fact that she realized was causing her partner Beast ... Saturday, 31 March 2018 11:01
No image How to Make a Bat Sandwhich How to Make a Bat Sandwich by AuGoose A work of erotic fiction (NSFW). Any resemblance to anything or anyone in the real world is far too much to ... Sunday, 04 June 2017 17:50
No image One Halloween Night One Halloween Night 8:56pm, October 31st, 2016 "Hmm...." Chloe Walker scrunched up her nose as a sign of disappointment as she took her inital look ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:11
No image Do You Dream In Color? Twilight. The candy bowl by the door is full. Fake spider webs crisscross the trees and bushes surrounding the driveway. Ghosts hang on bungee cords ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:07
No image Neewollah Neewollah! by thedoc9 READER NOTES: This story takes place in the Supergirl TV Series universe. 1 – Anna Anna Erdman walked up to the Maxwell Lord ... Friday, 02 December 2016 18:31
No image Supergirl and Superwoman Supergirl and Superwoman By Ace191 For the Summer 2016 Workshop NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK Inspired by two Marknew742 stories Chapter One Kelly paused ... Saturday, 23 June 2018 09:39
Growing Wonder, Part II Growing Wonder, Part II Her alarm beeped. And unlike the day before, Cass wanted to smash it. Instead of a well of vitality, she still felt like she was carrying around a ... Sunday, 07 June 2015 11:47