
Tag: Super Speed

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Power Play Power Play Power Play by HikerAngel Many thanks to ElF and AuGoose for their editing help... :) Jessica stopped at the front desk and set her bag down. As the ... Sunday, 29 March 2020 11:06
No image Superstarter, Part 7 (Alternate Ending) Superstarter, Part 7 (Alternate Ending) by HikerAngel with editing and ideas from a friend Because only one vote separated the option 1 and option 3 ... Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:48
No image Superstarter, Part 7 Superstarter, Part 7 By HikerAngel Thanks to ChaozCloud for the original idea behind this story (crowdfunding), to ElF for all of the editing help, ... Friday, 24 January 2020 15:35
Embassy Brat – Part One Embassy Brat – Part One Embassy Brat By Shadar Edits: August, 2019/Jan, 2020 Chapter One Jon Duncan paced nervously out in the desert, staring back down the empty road that ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 21:08
No image Superstarter, Part 6 Superstarter, Part 6 by HikerAngel Special thanks to my partner in crime and editor ElF... ;) Serena felt a torrent of gold/silver power begin to ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 16:02
Another Ubergirl vs Military Story Another Ubergirl vs Military Story Art by Cangarough, KuroNick-Arts, Annabel-m and PlanZ34 The soldiers at Area 51 couldn’t believe their eyes. Commander Madison had apparently sold ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:38
No image ARZELA STARR – TAU CETI WONDERGIRL – SEASON 1 – CHAPTER 6-7 Chapter 6 – "A Bullet In The Sky" Arzela Starr’s speed was incredible. The Earth forest she was running through was slashing past her, the sunlight ... Saturday, 04 January 2020 11:58
No image Human Clay Human Clay by HikerAngel This was a commissioned story. Posted here with permission from its patron. The face that looked back at Jenny Clay in the ... Thursday, 07 January 2021 19:03
The LaPorte Caves – Revised – Ch 08c – The Winds of Uncertain Fortune The LaPorte Caves – Revised – Ch 08c – The Winds of Uncertain Fortune CHAPTER 08c – THE WINDS OF UNCERTAIN FORTUNE SYNOPSIS UP TO THIS POINT Julia and Howard took a wrong turn in a Kentucky cave and tumbled out into a ... Friday, 24 January 2020 12:23
No image The Sandbox – Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Orgies and Expositions, Part 2 July 13th, 2019 10:46 PM Denver, Colorado Aphrodite Aphrodite walked through the flashing lights and ... Thursday, 12 December 2019 17:38