
Tag: Invulnerability

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Colombian Gamma Chronicles – Chapter 2 Chapter 2: Jefe Strikes Back Commissioned by LegFan71 Written by HikerAngel “In exchange for my protection, you will give me 40% of all sales,” said ... Friday, 19 March 2021 20:53
No image Ripples in Reality 2 Ripples in Reality 2 Commissioned by ChaozCloud and GalateaX Written by HikerAngel “Come take a look at this, Dr. Mendler!” George said, his eyes ... Friday, 19 March 2021 20:46
No image Synergy 2 Synergy 2 Commissioned by Koopa16 Written by HikerAngel Laura swam toward the edge of the crystal blue infinity pool with graceful strokes, her ... Friday, 19 March 2021 20:50
No image In a Class of Her Own – Part 5 In a Class of Her Own – Part 5 By Hiker Angel Original Concept by T. Hero Okay, so maybe I wasn’t ready, after all. How was I supposed to know that ... Saturday, 13 March 2021 14:07
No image The Monolith – Chapter 5 The Monolith Commissioned by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 5: MALEVOLENT MISTRESS “Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!” April roared as ... Thursday, 04 March 2021 18:36
Happy Birthday, Week 1 Happy Birthday, Week 1 Editor's Note: this story contains NSFW pictures! 3/1/2021 My name is Carly Balmor, and I'm starting this journal because of a really strange thing ... Friday, 16 April 2021 14:49
No image The Monolith – Chapter 4 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 4: TRAPPINGS OF SUPERIORITY Two weeks after the incident in the parking lot, ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:21
No image The Monolith – Chapter 3 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 3: DIVERGENCE “Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!” April’s smile was as ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:22
No image The Monolith – Chapter 2 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 2: SLIDING SCALES Zach slumped against the wall, watching April in her ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:15
No image The Monolith – Chapter 1 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 1: DISCOVERIES Worthless. That’s what her ex-boyfriend had always called her. ... Saturday, 13 February 2021 12:31