
Tag: Mental Powers (Telekinesis, Mind Alteration)

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No image The Champion Files: Prologue “Are we sure this is where we need to be?” “Yes. Remember what we discussed. Not a foot out of place.” “Please… I don’t want any trouble.” ... Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:45
No image Superstarter, Part 6 Superstarter, Part 6 by HikerAngel Special thanks to my partner in crime and editor ElF... ;) Serena felt a torrent of gold/silver power begin to ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 16:02
Another Ubergirl vs Military Story Another Ubergirl vs Military Story Art by Cangarough, KuroNick-Arts, Annabel-m and PlanZ34 The soldiers at Area 51 couldn’t believe their eyes. Commander Madison had apparently sold ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:38
No image Superstarter, Part 4 Superstarter, Part 4 by HikerAngel Thanks again to ElF for the wonderful editing assistance! The pleasure that flowed into Serena was quickly ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:17
No image An Unexpected Guest from an Unexpected Angle An Unexpected Guest from an Unexpected Angle Chapter one. Disclaimer: this story is set against the backdrop of a setting called the Aurora universe ... Friday, 06 December 2019 11:34
No image S is for Samantra S is for Samantra The old two-story mansion was nestled discreetly in a forest that tried it’s best to swallow it. Wrapping it with vines, covering ... Tuesday, 29 October 2019 19:03
Super Witches Super Witches Art by Himmely Warning: This story contains extreme cruelty, strong language, explicit gore and disturbing imagery. Agnes Fairfax was born the 4th ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:36
No image At the Heart of the Night At the Heart of the Night by Furlough All within the room looked on with a sense of uneasy anticipation as the small craft's door opened. If asked, ... Tuesday, 29 October 2019 19:03
Elza Sabini's School for Enhanced Individuals Elza Sabini's School for Enhanced Individuals Art by Ynggvar and FlatObelisk Edited and remastered by DamienDesee Extra input by Delta7447 In the year 2485, the world is a beautiful and ... Monday, 04 December 2023 08:21
Jenny Time Jenny Time Art by KawaiiDreamyPixie, bakki, Elwenz, Shimimaru and savisr Edited by Rhys86 August 12, 2120 AD - Toronto, Canada The first light of a new summer ... Saturday, 22 January 2022 20:32