
Tag: Super Senses

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No image Playing the Roll – Part 3 PART 3: MAGE HUNTING by HikerAngel The necromancer, finished with her spell, glanced with gleaming eyes at the bracelet she had lost. As she lunged ... Saturday, 16 January 2021 20:04
No image Ripples in Reality Ripples in Reality Story Concept by ChaozCloud and GalateaX Written by HikerAngel Katsuko looked into the mirror and frowned. The face that looked ... Thursday, 24 December 2020 13:07
First Contact First Contact Written by Delta7447 and Akane Art by lichadesu, Ganozzu, enlargerjack and PrivateCaller Sunday, March 15, 2178 Super Goddesses from all over the ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:58
No image RPG Girl, Chapter 1 RPG Girl, Chapter 1 The name I gave her was Kitty. She was my character in the massively online role playing game that I'd been playing for the last ... Monday, 30 November 2020 18:01
No image Superman II – Alternate Ending Superman II - Alternate Ending Story Concept by Legfan71 Written by HikerAngel This story takes place immediately after the three villainous ... Friday, 20 November 2020 20:18
Feminium Feminium July 28, 2073 We are three days away from D-Day. The experiment has been a complete success, their capabilities are beyond anything I could have ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:55
No image Playing the Roll – Part 2 Playing the Roll PART 2: GAMING Author’s Note: A huge thanks to Rjjt, Thero, Njae, Woodclaw, and Larafan, for their many contributions to this from ... Sunday, 15 November 2020 00:09
No image The Big Fall The Big Fall (Alternate version as told in Superboy 143) CHAPTER 1 One night on the outskirts of Smallville, a shadowy figure walks toward a pyramid ... Saturday, 07 November 2020 16:30
No image The Comicomancer The Comicomancer By HikerAngel Author’s Note: Thanks to Woody, Garth, Rjjt, Oogber, and Njae for the feedback and editing assistance. Also, I hope I ... Saturday, 07 November 2020 16:15
No image Playing the Roll – Part 1 Playing the Roll This will be a poll story, so its direction will be determined by the readers. I’ve written two such stories in ... Sunday, 18 October 2020 00:38