
Tag: Graphic Sex

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No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 3 Chapter 3 - Infection Under a microscope, the nanobots resembled a tiny ant: four legs, two pincers, a small squat body. Individually they were ... Thursday, 14 September 2017 00:25
No image Chapter 19: Picking Up the Pieces Picking Up the Pieces I returned to the Fortress of Solitude with my passenger to find that Superman had still not returned from Metropolis. I ... Tuesday, 22 August 2017 08:53
No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 1 Chapter 1 – The Discovery The Pegasi system, 2274. The Deep Space Exploration Vessel Magellan cruised silently amongst the dark mountainous ... Saturday, 02 September 2017 23:54
No image Super Catwoman – Part 1 Author's note: This story is based on Batgirl - It's all about power by up2nogd1 in his deviantart site and thought that this story can be presented ... Friday, 29 March 2019 14:39
No image An Interest in Chuck An Interest in Chuck By Dru The excitement in town was palpable. Every single person seemed to be completely absorbed with the coming visit, and for ... Sunday, 02 July 2017 11:29
No image How to Make a Bat Sandwhich How to Make a Bat Sandwich by AuGoose A work of erotic fiction (NSFW). Any resemblance to anything or anyone in the real world is far too much to ... Sunday, 04 June 2017 17:50
No image Chapter 13: Origins of Power Girl Origins of Power Girl The flight to Aurora was uneventful, and gave me time to think about what I should do next. While I flew, I texted Clark Kent ... Wednesday, 17 May 2017 21:44
No image Bitten by the Queen – Chapters 1-3 Chapter 1: Psychological Changes My sister was bitten by the queen. Goddamn, how much she would change inside and out? She wasn’t the youngest ... Sunday, 07 May 2017 18:46
No image Chapter 12: Aftermath and Consequences Aftermath and Consequences “This is CNN with breaking news! Fighting in the city of Aleppo has ended. Earlier today, we reported on how forces from ... Sunday, 30 April 2017 19:28
No image Chapter 09: Dreams of Synthetic Ambrosia Dreams of Synthetic Ambrosia Less than a minute later, I was floating over the converted warehouse that was acting as a medical testing facility for ... Friday, 21 April 2017 19:02