
Tag: Graphic Sex

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No image Oh No Sally 11-15 11 Sally was a little nervous. She had considered coming in her powered down form, but decided it was not Sally Clark who'd been invited to ... Friday, 20 June 2014 12:14
No image Fun and Games Fun and Games By Grayface Edited by Dru September 2, 2002 The tension in the room made it feel later then it was. Jim was barely aware of the T.V. ... Sunday, 13 April 2014 10:26
No image A Special Treaty Superman landed next to Lisa without saying a word at first. Nor did Lisa, who was still lying on her back seemingly staring into the air. In ... Saturday, 12 April 2014 00:02
No image Lisa going rogue When Lisa looked into some people’s minds she found out they had not really noticed what exactly had happened. So she opened the door again and made ... Friday, 28 March 2014 08:32
No image Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: Awkward Origin Stories to Tell in Bed "This is always awkward," observed Max as they sat in the bar. "Yep" agreed Sarah, as she sipped a craft brew. Max was her friend and coworker on ... Wednesday, 26 March 2014 08:43
No image Deep Down Inside - Part 42 - The Darkest Hour PART 42 - The Darkest Hour Warning: This is adult literature. If you’re not of a legal age to read this stuff, don’t. Disclaimer: This is a work of ... Saturday, 22 March 2014 16:23
No image Supertone Supertone by SVillainess Mike awoke in the middle of night hearing the moaning from the woman who lives in the apartment above his own. It was the ... Thursday, 18 June 2015 15:17
No image Miss Dynamo 1. It was another day in the life of Rebecca Stowe. She struggled to get up out of bed … her husband had raped her for yet another day, and she ... Sunday, 18 May 2014 23:00
No image Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: Soylent Green is … Sarah felt trepidation, more so then she had in a fair amount of time. Calling it fear would be a little far, but giddy would be too far in the ... Tuesday, 04 February 2014 22:15
No image Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: A Young Woman's Guide to Warhammer40k and Random Hookups Warhammer 40k, for those who are uninitiated is a British game that combines element of classic wargaming in the Napoleonic style, mixed with ... Tuesday, 04 February 2014 22:12