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No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 8 Chapter 8 – Relativity Deck sergeant Kormack flicked his way through the cargo manifest on his tablet as another pallet of tinned food rolled past ... Tuesday, 19 December 2017 11:17
No image Corruption – Part 1 Part 1 There was a heaviness in the air over the queue of girls. They were glancing at each other without daring to fix their gaze. None of these ... Tuesday, 19 December 2017 09:49
No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 6 Chapter 6 – Awareness Like everyone aboard the Magellan, Rowe heard the siren calling the crew to their stations. In sickbay, doctor McCall emerged ... Tuesday, 10 October 2017 08:46
No image In-Tune – Part 2 Better late than never, right? ***** Cassie acted as fast as she possibly could. She had no idea what she would find, but she knew that it had to be ... Wednesday, 13 September 2017 08:24
No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 2 Chapter 2 – The Vault The shuttle hangar was busy with crew fuelling and checking the Magellan's small complement of shuttles. The Magellan, being ... Saturday, 02 September 2017 23:53
No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 1 Chapter 1 – The Discovery The Pegasi system, 2274. The Deep Space Exploration Vessel Magellan cruised silently amongst the dark mountainous ... Saturday, 02 September 2017 23:54
Envoke's story: Episode 2 & 3 Envoke's story: Episode 2 & 3 Episode 2 She waits and waits atop the 5 story tall building. Hours pass by with no signs of life other than her own. In those hours, she examines ... Tuesday, 22 August 2017 09:14
No image Super Catwoman – Part 1 Author's note: This story is based on Batgirl - It's all about power by up2nogd1 in his deviantart site and thought that this story can be presented ... Friday, 29 March 2019 14:39
Asami's Diary of Power Asami's Diary of Power Username: asamipotent Name: Asami Kasuga Age: 69 (Physically 20) Born: October 8, 2645 in Tokyo, Japan Sex: Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:15
No image The Wonder – Chapter 5 The Wonder Chapter 5 Editor's note: As for Castor's request the chapters of this story will be published in the order they're writtern, rather than ... Tuesday, 28 March 2017 15:26