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Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy by Shadar Metropolis in the late 1950’s Jimmy Olson was heading through the Newsroom on his way home when he heard it. It started with the ... Sunday, 06 June 2021 09:55
Happy Birthday, Week 2 Happy Birthday, Week 2 Editor's Note: this story contains NSFW pictures! 3/8/2021 Sorry that I forgot to write a journal for Sunday. Not much interesting happened anyway. ... Sunday, 16 May 2021 10:27
No image Second Try Second Try Commissioned by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel Every head turned in Marie’s direction as the blonde stunner walked confidently down the ... Saturday, 10 April 2021 20:01
No image The Monolith – Chapter 5 The Monolith Commissioned by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 5: MALEVOLENT MISTRESS “Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!” April roared as ... Thursday, 04 March 2021 18:36
No image The Monolith – Chapter 4 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 4: TRAPPINGS OF SUPERIORITY Two weeks after the incident in the parking lot, ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:21
No image The Monolith – Chapter 3 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 3: DIVERGENCE “Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!” April’s smile was as ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:22
No image The Monolith – Chapter 2 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 2: SLIDING SCALES Zach slumped against the wall, watching April in her ... Saturday, 20 February 2021 10:15
No image The Monolith – Chapter 1 The Monolith Story Concept by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel CHAPTER 1: DISCOVERIES Worthless. That’s what her ex-boyfriend had always called her. ... Saturday, 13 February 2021 12:31
No image Marufuji's Journal The following story contains mild spoilers for the first volume of the Lady Justice manga. January 26th, 2021 My name is Marufuji Enta. I've never ... Wednesday, 03 February 2021 18:27
No image Consequences Allura sat on the edge of a telekinetic platform staring at the ripples in the lake below her as she swung her toes through the water. The past few ... Sunday, 24 January 2021 13:56