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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Finding Fiona Finding Fiona Commissioned by FfejL Written by HikerAngel Edited by Au Goose PART 1 As Fiona took the stage, an audible gasp rippled through the ... Saturday, 01 May 2021 21:53
My Kingdom Come – Part 1 My Kingdom Come – Part 1 My Kingdom Come – Part 1 Commissioned by UnluckyShoe Written by HikerAngel (Just a warning--this one is SUPER spicy and only has powers at the very ... Saturday, 01 May 2021 21:50
No image Kiraling – Part 20 (Chapter 124-133) Chapter 124 In the morning I checked the security cameras. No sign of my two visitors. I made a note to talk to Kara about installing cameras ... Friday, 30 April 2021 11:16
No image First Try First Try Commissioned by Anonymous Written by HikerAngel “It is your turn to undergo the mortal test, child.” The Voice echoed through the galaxy, ... Saturday, 03 April 2021 10:13
No image Synergy 2 Synergy 2 Commissioned by Koopa16 Written by HikerAngel Laura swam toward the edge of the crystal blue infinity pool with graceful strokes, her ... Friday, 19 March 2021 20:50
No image Too Much of a Good Thing Too Much of a Good Thing Again gonna have to thank Dru for editing help and input when I was stuck. 2017 Looking at herself in the dingy mirror of ... Tuesday, 02 March 2021 11:55
No image Forbidden Thoughts Forbidden Thoughts By grayface23 Author's Note: First off I once again want to thank Dru. Not only did he edit this for me (just not this part where ... Saturday, 30 January 2021 19:37
No image Colleague I’m in love. I have to be honest. I just can’t take my eyes off her. I’ve always liked her, but after I noticed her at the Cosplay event two months ... Saturday, 05 December 2020 21:04
Feminium Feminium July 28, 2073 We are three days away from D-Day. The experiment has been a complete success, their capabilities are beyond anything I could have ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:55
No image Playing the Roll – Part 2 Playing the Roll PART 2: GAMING Author’s Note: A huge thanks to Rjjt, Thero, Njae, Woodclaw, and Larafan, for their many contributions to this from ... Sunday, 15 November 2020 00:09