
Tag: Killing

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No image Forbidden Thoughts Forbidden Thoughts By grayface23 Author's Note: First off I once again want to thank Dru. Not only did he edit this for me (just not this part where ... Saturday, 30 January 2021 19:37
No image Infinity Crisis 2.0 – Chapter 1 Author’s Note: It’s absolutely crazy when I think how long ago I wrote Infinity Crisis. Twenty years ago, I was a teenager, and while I’ll leave ... Friday, 29 March 2024 09:14
No image Endless ***CONTENT WARNING:This one gets kinda gory. Also there is a lot of destruction.*** EDITOR WARNING: he's not kidding!!! Yazmin opened her eyes. She ... Saturday, 12 December 2020 11:25
No image RPG Girl, Chapter 1 RPG Girl, Chapter 1 The name I gave her was Kitty. She was my character in the massively online role playing game that I'd been playing for the last ... Monday, 30 November 2020 18:01
No image Miss Teacher Eleanor sighed wearily as she put the money into the cash register and waved goodbye to another part of her stock and another piece of her life. ... Saturday, 07 November 2020 16:05
No image Thick as Thieves Thick as Thieves This one was a commission from JBMMLJE, based on his wonderful concept. :) ~ HikerAngel “So you find out I’m into girls, and you ... Friday, 11 September 2020 21:35
No image A Common Weakness – Chapter 1 A Common Weakness – Chapter 1 Gianni felt cautious as he entered the bar. He was not a man accustomed to fear, but that day he felt a nervousness ... Sunday, 02 February 2020 00:41
No image The Champion Files: Prologue “Are we sure this is where we need to be?” “Yes. Remember what we discussed. Not a foot out of place.” “Please… I don’t want any trouble.” ... Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:45
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 14 Chapter 14 The glow of the first light of the Sun was peeking through the tall canopy of the forest as Jennifer and Nathalie followed Kohler’s men, ... Saturday, 21 December 2019 12:55
No image The Sandbox – Chapter 4 Important note: This chapter only focuses on Venus. Next week’s chapter will only focus on Aphrodite. Chapter 4: Top 10 July 6th, 2019 2:10 PM Los ... Thursday, 12 December 2019 17:39