
Tag: Super Speed

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No image Ultra Lucille – Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Chapter 3 It was past noon when Lucille soared just over the treeline looking around with her x-ray vision to make sure she wasn’t ... Sunday, 16 June 2024 01:56
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 5 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 11 May 2024 14:43
No image Douglas's Dilemma Douglas thought he had it all. After meeting a magical genie who gave him the opportunity to bestow one person with near omnipotent powers, Douglas ... Saturday, 20 April 2024 17:12
My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl It felt really weird to be feeling nervous about meeting Ellie again. Noah had known Ellie for almost twenty years. They grew up together in Sidney, ... Saturday, 13 April 2024 14:56
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 3 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 30 March 2024 22:41
No image Irresistible, Chapter 7: Outclassing The Gym The campus gym and sports complex had just been renovated, and the new facilities were top of the line. The school had added another weight room, a ... Sunday, 10 December 2023 12:47
No image Irresistible, Chapter 6: New Clothes and New Friends A few days later, I got a phone call from Astrid. Ren's new clothes were ready for her to try on. I thanked Astrid and told her we'd be there later ... Saturday, 02 December 2023 21:50
No image Irresistible, Chapter 5: Movie Night When we got back to the apartment, I changed into my sleep clothes, put fresh sheets on the bed, and set about finding a movie for us to watch. Ren, ... Thursday, 23 November 2023 14:44
No image Irresistible, Chapter 3: The Goddess' New Clothes Once Ren and I made it back to campus, I brought her up to my small office and spent about an hour grading the finals and submitting the final ... Friday, 01 December 2023 11:13
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 15 Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 15 “Where on Earth are those two??” Eliza grumbled to herself as she glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time, even as Fred Danvers packed away the ... Saturday, 04 November 2023 08:20