
Tag: Super Speed

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No image The Gift (A Soldier's Tale) The Gift (A Soldiers Tale) by Conceptfan --------------------------------------------- WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.2 ... Friday, 28 December 2012 14:18
No image The Story of Christina McCallister, Part 2 The Story of Christina McCallister, Part 2 by 008 WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.2 Afternoon of June 15, ‘98 Christina was still feeling exhilarated ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:19
No image SuperJen Parts 1-3 SuperJen Parts 1-3 By Larafan Part 1: Jen’s wish is granted “… 7 … 8 … 9 … ugh … 10!!!” Jennifer Watson grunted from her supine position as she ... Monday, 25 May 2015 14:09
'Z'upergirl Part 1 'Z'upergirl Part 1 'Z'upergirl Part 1 by LaraFan WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.1 Southern Iraq, November 1st, 2004 10:47am “At last!” he exclaimed as the guttural tone of ... Friday, 10 June 2016 12:30
The Amulet of Raja The Amulet of Raja The Amulet of Raja By Brantley Thompson Elkins WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.1 Editors Note: like many of Brantleys stories, this one appeared complete ... Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:24
No image Milena's Diary Chapter 8 Milena’s Diary AUTHORS NOTE: All of my stories have been written for an exclusively adult audience. They contain descriptions of violence, some of ... Saturday, 22 September 2012 11:35
No image What if The Invisible Woman Went From Invisible to Invincible? I am the Wise Watcher and for years I have observed the myriad dimensions throughout all of existence. Earth has always been a peculiar world ... Saturday, 26 April 2014 14:27
No image A What if Tale of When Youth Goes Pop!!!!!! I am The Wise Watcher and it has always been my keen interest to observe the planet Earth because of it’s many obscurities and marvels. In your ... Sunday, 01 June 2003 11:57
No image Lady Jordan - Part 2 Lady Jordan Part 2 By: JNW550 (a.k.a. Stoneyman) “She’s so incredibly lovely!” “Hmm … maybe, but I’m more interested in the contents of her pocket!” ... Wednesday, 14 November 2012 03:56
No image Lady Jordan - Part 1 Lady Jordan By JNW550 (a.k.a. Stoneyman) The villagers had seen many fantastic things before. Dragons plagued the land and trolls had been seen ... Wednesday, 14 November 2012 04:05