Tag: Flight
Title | Description |
Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: An 'Mazing Girl Christmas | (special thanks to Dru for Editing) It was very rainy that day. I mean really rainy. Los Angeles isn’t a city that one associates with rain, but a ... |
Web of the Spider Lady | "Up in the sky! Look!" "Its a bird!" "Its a plane!" "Its Superwoman!" Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap ... |
Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: Foreign Adventure Fun Goodness | “So, America needs your help,” Mr. Black told her. He smiled. It was a perfectly nice smile. Now, when people think spooks, they think big ... |
Come ride with me. | I love rollercoasters. I really do. My home amusement park, “Magic Lake”, has some extreme world class coasters, but my personal favorite is an old ... |
A Day at the Beach. | A Day at the Beach by Ace191 “Ok Kerry,” Rick said as he watched the girl of his dreams saunter towards the Ladies room before he turned and headed ... |
Power | Oh-oh Oh yeah… Ah -ha ah yeah. Ahhahaahaha...Ahahahahah The tank barrelled down the street looking at her. it almost seemed alive a veritable thing ... |
Walking Down a New Path | (with man thanks to Camille, Geekseven, Njae and Pansardum for the help. And to Dunnere for the inspiration) Barbara, often known as Ms. Amazon, ... |
The Book Club | Kimberly smiles softly as she peers into the oven door, looking at the wonderful confection baking in the oven. A pleasant aroma of fudge, caramel ... |
A Blast From the Past | 1. Suffering amnesia, Lee awoke on a deserted island. She wasn’t entirely sure what her name was, or where she was – but she was familiar with the ... |
Tales of An 'Mazing Girl: Vs Lex Luthor | Special thanks to Dru for proofreeding and editing Seventh District was filmed in a soundstage in Koreatown that was the mainly off street. You ... |