
Tag: Nudity

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No image Chapter 05: Breaking the Bank Breaking the Bank The car service that I called dropped me off at the front entrance to the Data Vault’s main building. I walked in expecting to ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:09
S.W.R. – East Bound and Down S.W.R. – East Bound and Down Route 223, 60 kilometers southeast of Bakersfield The Expedition headed for home. Sergeant Amy DiCaprio hunched over the steering wheel of the lead ... Sunday, 22 January 2017 17:57
No image Peerless, Part 1-3 Aki Kimuri was born the most astonishing human to ever exist, her potential IQ a staggering 500 points. She learned to read at six months, mastered ... Thursday, 06 October 2016 21:19
No image Best. Day. Ever. Best. Day. Ever. By Au Goose A work of erotic fiction (NSFW). Any resemblance to anything or anyone in the real world is far too much to hope for. ... Wednesday, 21 September 2016 20:30
No image Fifteen Minutes of Fame Fifteen Minutes of Fame by Au Goose ♫There's a mad man looking at you and he wants to take your soul There's a mad man with a mad plan and he's ... Sunday, 11 September 2016 23:53
No image Beasts Lost – Part 1 Michelle's looking for her old friend, Jennifer and recalling her past. Superpowers, invulnerability, some sci-fi Self-promo Support me at Patreon ... Thursday, 11 May 2017 21:37
S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 3 S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 3 Lieutenant Wendy DeKalb moaned softly, and slowly expanded her chest. CRACK CRACK CREE-EEEE-EEEAK Ohhhhh yes … She bit her lip. Then she slowly, ... Friday, 23 September 2016 20:00
S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 2 S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 2 A galaxy spanned the midnight sky. Flaming balls of light beyond count cast their glow across light years of nothingness. An infinitesimal sliver of ... Friday, 23 September 2016 20:04
S.W.R. – Perimeter Patrol S.W.R. – Perimeter Patrol Special Weapons Research Base, East Vehicle Storage Facility, Level 3C, late evening A row of tanks sat side-by-side with their rear ends against an ... Friday, 23 September 2016 17:55
S.W.R. – Prison Break S.W.R. – Prison Break Author's Note: This story is a sequel to "Playing the Villain". If you have not read that one yet, I recommend doing so first. Editor's Note: This ... Friday, 23 September 2016 17:47