
Tag: Super Intelligence

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No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 22 Chapter 22 DISCLAIMER This story contains adult sexual content. If you are not of age to read this stuff, don’t. No resemblance between these ... Sunday, 23 April 2017 10:47
No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 21 CHAPTER 21 DISCLAIMER This story contains adult sexual content, and violence. If you are not of age to read this stuff, don’t. No resemblance ... Monday, 17 April 2017 01:28
Super Goddesses Super Goddesses Art by Armaron Sean Wilson Ms. Rojo Contemporary History 1 10/8/2040 Super Goddesses The world has changed quite a bit in recent years, but it still ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:13
No image Peerless, Part 4-5 Aki had been tinkering with her body using various forms of mad science since she was quite young indeed, originally intent on making herself just ... Saturday, 15 October 2016 12:29
No image Peerless, Part 1-3 Aki Kimuri was born the most astonishing human to ever exist, her potential IQ a staggering 500 points. She learned to read at six months, mastered ... Thursday, 06 October 2016 21:19
No image The Bounty of Her Discovery The Bounty of Her Discovery by Furlough The door swiftly swung open, showing the way into the lab on the topmost floor of the science faculty's ... Monday, 10 October 2016 21:06
No image Alice takes Superboy's powers Ben Kent, also known as “Superboy”, flew to his girlfriend’s home after buying her chocolates, hoping that this day she would finally let him “go ... Wednesday, 24 September 2014 08:20
No image Paradise Paradise by Castor (with Special thanks to Dru for Editing and proofreading and Woodrow for comments and suggestions) Steven opened his eyes. He ... Wednesday, 17 September 2014 09:16
No image Lea and Clara Lisa changed into an elegant trousersuit and told Lea to do the same thing. The girl chose to wear white jeans, a pink top and a dark blue jacket ... Wednesday, 10 September 2014 13:11
No image Oh No Sally 16-20 16 It turned out to be a beautiful day. Just gorgeous. It surprised Sally just how fast they had gotten things organised, but just a week after her ... Friday, 20 June 2014 12:17