
Tag: Graphic Sex

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No image Chapter 07: Decrypting the Data Decrypting the Data I started the following day early in the morning before the city had fully woken up. Less chance of someone spotting a woman in ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:09
No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 14 CHAPTER 14 =========== Howard tried to slide himself away. But the mud was halfway up his thighs now, and it held him in its cold embrace. He tried ... Monday, 13 February 2017 11:10
No image Chapter 06: Building a New Life Building a New Life I woke the next morning in the bed of the boat. Naturally, I was naked as the day I was born with Jimmy Olsen naked and snuggled ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:09
No image Chapter 04: Ahlan Wasahlan, Dubai Ahlan Wasahlan, Dubai Dubai is an amazing city that I never dreamed of visiting before I gained these powers. It is a coastal city built on the edge ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:08
No image Chapter 03: Becoming Power Girl Becoming Power Girl I followed Superman as he flew north. I knew that we could fly faster, but Superman appeared to be keeping the pace to a level ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:08
No image Chapter 01: Another Ambrosia Amazon Another Ambrosia Amazon My name is Michelle Wallace, and according to Superior Girl, I am next in line to be an Ambrosia Amazon. I have to say that ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:08
S.W.R. – The Battle on Buck Owens Boulevard S.W.R. – The Battle on Buck Owens Boulevard Highway 99, four kilometers south of downtown Bakersfield The blizzard of lead did not let up as the two super beauties approached the barricade. ... Thursday, 12 January 2017 10:04
S.W.R. – Prelude to Battle S.W.R. – Prelude to Battle Editor's Note: like the previous chapter this one containes some very graphic images of sex, this is your first and only NSFW warning Route 223, ... Thursday, 17 November 2016 00:33
No image All Hallows Eve Act 1 October 31th The soft sound of Jazz filled the room with the airy sound of an oboe line. The Slave ever so slightly smiled as she washed the ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:06
S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 5 S.W.R. – Expedition, Part 5 Editor's Note: while none of the entries in this series is tame, this one includes a picture that might be labelled Very NSFW, you've been warned ... Friday, 11 November 2016 09:43