
Tag: Supergirl

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Halloween Treat Halloween Treat Halloween Treat by Ace 191 For those of you who don’t know, Dave Hoover was in my opinion, the greatest Supergirl artist ever! It was a tragedy that ... Friday, 29 October 2021 20:36
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 5 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 5 Aftermath of the Explosion “She’s late.” “It’s only a minute past the hour. I’m sure she’s…” “I’m here! Geez Kal… I am not THAT tardy you know.” ... Saturday, 09 October 2021 14:24
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 4 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 4 Saturday, 25 September 2021 11:30
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 3 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 3 After that night, Mandi’s status was “upgraded” to become Lex’ personal private escort. Always clothed in the finest and latest dresses Lex’ money ... Friday, 17 September 2021 23:43
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 2 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 2 First, a shoutout to Shadar who have agreed to allow me to use his characters from his Aurora Universe, as well as offering much encouragement and ... Monday, 30 August 2021 18:14
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 1 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 1 Metropolis. A city of bright lights and large throngs of people going about their daily lives. A city that never sleeps. And some would call it the ... Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:51
Jimmy, Part Three Jimmy, Part Three Jimmy, Part Three by Shadar Metropolis in the late 1950’s Chapter 5 Metropolis… Kara flew the return leg back to her apartment using a simple ... Saturday, 03 July 2021 23:45
No image Jimmy, Part Two Jimmy, Part Two by Shadar Metropolis in the late 1950’s Jimmy and Linda slipped through the crowd at Tarcissios and out the front door, invisible ... Saturday, 19 June 2021 18:03
No image Oh No III – Jedd and Johanna, the Sequel Oh No III – Jedd and Johanna, the Sequel Many thanks to Marknew who gave his blessing to this sequel of one of his classic stories and even gave ... Saturday, 12 June 2021 09:56
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy by Shadar Metropolis in the late 1950’s Jimmy Olson was heading through the Newsroom on his way home when he heard it. It started with the ... Sunday, 06 June 2021 09:55