
Tag: Infinite Strength

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No image The Best Revenge Note: algae2k graciously edited this story. I think his edits really improved the flow of the story, reworking some awkward sentences and fragments. ... Wednesday, 20 January 2016 18:17
No image Worth a Shot Worth a Shot By Dru The gunman smirked as he suddenly raised his weapon and fired at the woman. She was so confident, so sure of her power … and he ... Sunday, 10 January 2016 11:50
How the Little Tub Met Its Fate... How the Little Tub Met Its Fate... How the Little Tub Met Its Fate… (…and a new goddess is born) An ENERGIZE! Sidestory by Au Goose Energized shampoo and Emma created by Monty (go ... Wednesday, 29 July 2015 10:56
The Powers Within #1: Going Home The Powers Within #1: Going Home Julia could not believe what she was doing, but she knew it was probably the best way to go about handling the situation. Rather than call the ... Thursday, 25 June 2015 13:29
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 13-17 Chapter 13 The two armadas moved in toward each other. Ships of all sizes among the many fleets shimmered under their shields. The time for talk was ... Sunday, 23 November 2014 10:03
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 09-12 Chapter 9 Elizabeth was in a state of bliss as the large army actively tried to obliterate her. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she ... Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:24
No image Oh No Sally 16-20 16 It turned out to be a beautiful day. Just gorgeous. It surprised Sally just how fast they had gotten things organised, but just a week after her ... Friday, 20 June 2014 12:17
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 05-08 Not the One – Return to Earth by Dru Chapter 5 Harry didn’t want to go out there. That voice … it was so loud. So … powerful. He couldn’t face her. ... Monday, 09 June 2014 08:40
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 01-04 Not the One – Return to Earth by Dru Chapter 1 Kethlen rocketed out of the black hole, checking to ensure his dark armour was intact. Though the ... Thursday, 08 May 2014 23:45
No image Oh No Sally 11-15 11 Sally was a little nervous. She had considered coming in her powered down form, but decided it was not Sally Clark who'd been invited to ... Friday, 20 June 2014 12:14