
Tag: Super Breath

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Feminium Feminium July 28, 2073 We are three days away from D-Day. The experiment has been a complete success, their capabilities are beyond anything I could have ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:55
No image The Big Fall The Big Fall (Alternate version as told in Superboy 143) CHAPTER 1 One night on the outskirts of Smallville, a shadowy figure walks toward a pyramid ... Saturday, 07 November 2020 16:30
No image Full Bloom Full Bloom Story by Akane Written by HikerAngel PART 1: FAMILY *Pop* The impressive sphere of pink bubblegum deflated rapidly, and Dee sucked its ... Thursday, 17 September 2020 11:54
The Super Goddess The Super Goddess This is a non-canonical story based on the original draft for the Super Goddess universe and a roleplaying session with danio13 Art by hi6ka9, ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:54
Akane's Lady Justice Akane's Lady Justice Based on the manga Shonen Jump's Lady Justice by Ken Ogino Art by Erickiwi Ameri Kenzaki gazed at the trillions of stars around her. The ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:53
Empress x Empress Empress x Empress A collaborative effort by General-Tommy and Akane Art by Yensh It was another, normal day in the Astridian Empire. Sitting atop her throne was ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:49
No image A Common Weakness – Chapter 8 A Common Weakness – Chapter 8 Joe was sitting at home in his comfortable old armchair with his old dog curled up at his feet when the phone rang. He ... Saturday, 16 May 2020 20:41
No image Clothes Make the Woman – Part 2 Clothes Make the Woman – Part 2 by HikerAngel I saw Megagirl’s nipples tenting the fabric of her sheer costume. Her hips shifted. Was this girl ... Saturday, 21 March 2020 18:05
No image Tabitha Obunde, Super-Hulk Tabitha Obunde, Super-Hulk 1 Tabitha had been uncomfortable in her clothes all day. The beautiful, ultra-buxom 30-year old teacher was looking down ... Saturday, 14 December 2019 12:08
The Laporte Caves – Revised – Ch 07 – All of Nature Bows To the Nourished The Laporte Caves – Revised – Ch 07 – All of Nature Bows To the Nourished CHAPTER 07 – ALL OF NATURE BOWS TO THE NOURISHED DISCLAIMER This story contains adult sexual content. If you are not of age to read this stuff, ... Friday, 24 January 2020 12:17