
Tag: Invulnerability

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 7 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Sunday, 26 May 2024 09:18
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 6 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Monday, 20 May 2024 23:24
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 5 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 11 May 2024 14:43
No image Douglas's Dilemma Douglas thought he had it all. After meeting a magical genie who gave him the opportunity to bestow one person with near omnipotent powers, Douglas ... Saturday, 20 April 2024 17:12
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 4 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 13 April 2024 23:44
My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl It felt really weird to be feeling nervous about meeting Ellie again. Noah had known Ellie for almost twenty years. They grew up together in Sidney, ... Saturday, 13 April 2024 14:56
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 3 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 30 March 2024 22:41
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 2 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Sunday, 03 March 2024 23:14
No image Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy – Chapter 1 The Adventures of Overpowered Girl and Mega Mommy Written by Wizalex A girl who is significantly more powerful than any other superhuman makes ... Saturday, 24 February 2024 18:06
No image Help! My Mom Wants to Take Over the World! – Chapter 6 Clara is going up against a military force sent to engage her. For early access on stories like this!: Clara stood ... Friday, 29 December 2023 12:42