
Tag: Heat Vision/Laser Eyes

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image A New Leaf A New Leaf by Helix111 --------------------------------------------- WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.6 --------------------------------------------- ... Wednesday, 07 December 2005 18:41
No image The Immigrant The Immigrant by Dru WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.6 At first she had been greeted with suspicion, her arrival heralded by a series of natural ... Wednesday, 10 June 2020 18:49
The Mask Of Zorro [Revised] The Mask Of Zorro [Revised] The Mask Of Zorro by Argonaut Alejandro Murrieta gazed morosely through the tiny square window in the rear wall of his cell. Blazing sunlight beat ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:24
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 6 Lord of the Blings – Part 6 by DKC “So what do you feel like doing?” Crystal asked Lisa. “I dont know.” she responded “Lets watch a movie!” Crystal ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 08:57
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 5 Lord of the Blings – Part 5 by DKC Crystal laid on the beaches soaking up the sun. She laid on the sand completely naked and she traced her finger ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 12:06
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 4 Lord of the Blings – Part 4 by DKC Returning to Earth Crystal realized that her power level was way too high and with a quick rub of her wonderful ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 08:54
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 3 Lord of the Blings – Part 3 by DKC Crystal reflected on the previous days occurrences. No one on earth could possibly stop her but they were more ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 08:55
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 2 Lord of the Blings – Part 2 By DKC Super Crystal flew through the night sky revelling in her powers. It was 1 am and she still had time to visit the ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 12:05
No image Lord of the Blings – Part 1 Lord of the Blings – Part 1 By DKC It was raining in Metropolis city which made Crystal all the more depressed. She was 23, overweight, with short ... Thursday, 01 August 2013 12:07
No image 21st Century Magic: The Pool Toy Author’s Note: Feel free to redistribute this story as much as you want, with two conditions. First, it can’t be modified in any way, including the ... Saturday, 01 December 2012 12:20