
Tag: Super Senses

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Halloween Treat Halloween Treat Halloween Treat by Ace 191 For those of you who don’t know, Dave Hoover was in my opinion, the greatest Supergirl artist ever! It was a tragedy that ... Friday, 29 October 2021 20:36
Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 1 Birth of the Undead – Prologue – Chapter 1 Metropolis. A city of bright lights and large throngs of people going about their daily lives. A city that never sleeps. And some would call it the ... Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:51
No image Diana Written by AlbertC, English translation by Sarge Part 1 Diana was at her rehearsal when she noticed that the photographer's assistant could not ... Saturday, 17 July 2021 19:48
No image Harley, the Camgirl Sometimes you just want to see hot girls but can't find an escort or even you're far away from your favourite girls, so you look for them in the ... Saturday, 10 July 2021 14:30
No image Synergy 3 Synergy 3 Commissioned by Koopa16 Written by Hiker Angel Edited by Au Goose TEN YEARS EARLIER… Laura snapped her fingers, summoning her helper as ... Thursday, 08 July 2021 10:38
The Superwoman of Metropolis The Superwoman of Metropolis The Superwoman of Metropolis Chapter 1 She instinctively groaned softly as she quickly regained consciousness feeling suddenly more energized than ... Sunday, 13 June 2021 01:04
No image Oh No III – Jedd and Johanna, the Sequel Oh No III – Jedd and Johanna, the Sequel Many thanks to Marknew who gave his blessing to this sequel of one of his classic stories and even gave ... Saturday, 12 June 2021 09:56
No image Left Behind Left Behind Commissioned by Luchodemeyer Written by HikerAngel DAY 0 “No one’s more powerful than Captain Marvel,” said Jack, leaning back in his ... Saturday, 22 May 2021 09:32
The Goddess of Love The Goddess of Love Art by MadiBlitz, kuprite, HatsukiShouji, and MNSJ Veronica Vélez was one of the luckiest and wealthiest people on Earth from the day she was born, ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:59
Happy Birthday, Week 2 Happy Birthday, Week 2 Editor's Note: this story contains NSFW pictures! 3/8/2021 Sorry that I forgot to write a journal for Sunday. Not much interesting happened anyway. ... Sunday, 16 May 2021 10:27