
Me, Myself & I

Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:24

Admin Story Spolight Theatre #34

Rasmus Thunberg

Welcome back to another Spotlight entry!

Let me be honest for a second: I had a plan that I would have read another series so that I could have considered that for an entry, but I’ve had to allocate my time on other things and have left me to look through my drawer of favorite stories from the site!

Which leads us into this week's entry:

Makes No Difference Who You Are by AuGoose

AuGoose might be one of my favorite writers on the site, with several of his stories being in my “favorites list”. Goose has a way of crafting well-made narratives in this genre where the plot in many stories often has been repeated before. 

He has a way of making both his superwomen and their powers interesting, and make them feel powerful. Even his drafts feel incredibly well crafted (If you haven’t checked his thread “The Honking of Geese” yet then please consider doing it after you’ve read “Makes no difference…”)

He has also angelic superwomen in a lot of his works, which I’m a huge fan of (Just take a look at my workshop entry!)

But enough of Goose as a writer, let's now talk about the story, hmm?

The story starts out with our two nameless protagonists chilling in a hot tub, after having accidentally dropped a particularly lucky quarter. They joke around some, both making some wishes before the woman proposes a “what if” idea: What if she looked better?

From here, things slowly begin to escalate as they slowly realize that she changes every time she comes up with a “what if” culminating in an incredibly well-written transformation scene! (okay, the one before it is also freaking amazing)

The story contains many elements that I like but mentioning them could spoil the story to a degree I don’t want.

If anything, I wish the story could either have a sequel, a spiritual successor or just that Goose will return someday with a new story or render for this one. 

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